
I am a cognitive and affective scientist broadly interested in how we perceive and understand one another. My research incorporates brain imaging, machine learning, motion-tracking, and online data collection, alongside traditional behavioral methods.

Currently I am a research scientist at Hume AI, where I use statistical modeling and machine learning techniques to analyze the structure of the (very) large datasets used to train the company’s emotion AI models.

I started my current position in 2021 after receiving my PhD from New York University’s Department of Psychology, where I worked with Jon Freeman in the Social Cognitive and Neural Sciences Lab. Before that, I received my BA in Philosophy from Tufts University, where I got my start in psychology and neuroscience research as an RA in the late Nalini Ambady’s lab. Before starting grad school, I also spent a few years getting fMRI training as a research assistant at Duke and lab manager for Kristen Lindquist at UNC Chapel Hill.